Work-Life Balance-Before you give up on your ambition of achieving work-life balance, be sure you understand why it is so vital. Because knowing why work-life balance is so important isn’t just great to know; it’s also required for living a balanced existence.
And it’s more crucial than ever to strike a work-life balance. Especially considering the unpredictable, frequently high-pressure job climate, as well as the blurring of work and personal boundaries (especially since so many of us are working from home more).
That’s why we’ve compiled a list of ten reasons why work-life balance is crucial (even imperative).
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The Problem With How Work Life Balance Is Defined Understanding Why Work Life Balance Is Important Begins With Knowing What Work Life Balance Is
Most people imagine balancing a see-saw when they think about work-life balance (with work on one side and the rest of your life on the other side). And we believe that by focusing on the amount of time spent on each side of the see-saw, we can equalise both sides.
That’s why so many solutions focus on time management, productivity hacks, and establishing a more flexible work schedule. All of these options revolve around the concept of time (by managing it, being more productive with it and having more time at home).
There’s just one problem: time isn’t the main issue (and you can’t balance your life like the see-saw graphic implies). This is why so many people who are preoccupied with productivity and time management fall short of their goals. You can’t manage your time to achieve work-life balance.
The good news is that you can quit stressing over time and finally get rid of the see-saw vision.
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What Is Work-Life Balance, and How Does It Affect You?
When I inquire about what a balanced lifestyle entails, I’ve discovered that most people describe it as follows:
Increasing your influence at work and in the world (but without sacrificing your personal healthy or happiness for it),
Making a good difference in your children’s lives
Being in the present moment (with actual space to think),
Without guilt, shame, or apology, prioritising what’s important to you (including self-care)
Having strong boundaries that you are comfortable enforcing, as well as letting go of the desire to do/have it all.
That means that achieving work-life balance boils down to being satisfied with who you are and the decisions you’re making. It all starts with your attitude. And it’s not something you’ll come across. YOU are the one who brings about balance (through making tough choices).
In my post How to Reframe Your Work Life Balance Definition, I go into great detail about how to redefine work-existence balance (so that you may truly live a more balanced life) (To Be Happily Successful).
What You Should Know (To Create A More Balanced Lifestyle)
If you wish to live a more balanced life, you must first comprehend the significance of work-life balance. Because creating something you don’t comprehend is difficult. Also, keep in mind that living a more balanced lifestyle isn’t easy. You must do the following:
Take charge of your career path and simplify your life by prioritising what’s genuinely important (and ignoring the rest).
And doing so necessitates making difficult decisions, which necessitates courage, mental fortitude, and resilience. I’ve discovered that your mind needs to comprehend WHY in order to be willing to make these difficult decisions. so that it can fully participate (both consciously and subconsciously). It’s what will motivate you to take bold actions.
[Recommended Reading: Why Mindset Matters: The Secret to Happiness and Success].
Why Is Work-Life Balance Crucial For Everyone?
Before we go over all of the reasons why work-life balance is so important, let’s clarify who work-life balance is for. Because I’ve discovered that the majority of people believe it’s something that only (or at least largely) women desire.
That, however, is not the case. I’ve discovered that men and women value balance equally. The difference is in the way they communicate.
Women are primarily concerned with maintaining a sense of balance and living lives that are meaningful. Men discuss about carving out time for their priorities and making a difference (at work and at home).
When you go deeper into what those terms represent, you’ll find that both men and women are expressing the same sentiments (just using a bit different language). Everyone benefits from a sense of balance (men and women alike).
Work-Life Balance Is Important For 10 Reasons
Let’s go over the top 10 reasons why work life balance is vital now that we’ve established what it is (and isn’t) and who it is for.
1. Work-life balance equals less stress.
Workplace stress is thought to be the fifth leading cause of death in the US. Furthermore, a fifth of Americans say their employment are their primary cause of stress.
The most serious issue is that most people believe they have no other option. But this isn’t entirely accurate.
Keep in mind that work-life balance is ultimately determined by your decisions. That’s also the source of a lot of your anxiety. You’re adding to your stress by agreeing to take on extra work when you don’t have the ability or not delegating work that could be delegated.
Here are some options you may start making for yourself to alleviate some of your tension and anxiety:
Saying no to things that aren’t high on your priority list.
Delegating as much as is possible.
Choosing to do the things that are most important to you (and letting go of non-priorities).
Putting your own health first.
As a consequence, you’ll have a more manageable workload and more time to do the things that matter to you. This will significantly reduce your tension and anxiety levels.
A Word on Boundaries
Even at work, making difficult decisions necessitates the establishment of firm limits. You’re only one person, and there’s only so much you can do. Being overworked will not benefit either you or your employer.
I understand that setting boundaries can be intimidating at times (especially since enforcing them means saying no to people). However, it is possible (without feeling badly about it). Saying no politely (and guiltlessly) is a skill that can be honed.
Listen to my audio episode about Setting Boundaries For Success for a more in-depth discussion on how to set and enforce healthy boundaries.
2. Reason: Maintaining a healthy work-life balance will improve your mental health.
One of the most crucial reasons to strike a work-life balance is for your mental wellness. You’ll be better able to deal with bad emotions and thoughts if you’re feeling balanced.
The human brain isn’t designed to be constantly anxious and under strain. Creating greater harmony in your life provides you more breathing room to ponder, allowing your subconscious thoughts to arise. And this is beneficial to your mental health because it allows you to become more self-aware (of your beliefs and thoughts that underpin charged emotions) so you can cope with them in a healthy manner. That is, you will be able to make better, more informed decisions.
What is the best way to accomplish this? Use self-awareness activities on a regular basis to help you process your ideas and feelings properly. Another incentive to get your copy of 5-Minute Stress Solutions for free. This useful tool includes scientifically validated exercises for processing ideas and emotions, resulting in a better mentality and a more balanced life.
3. Reason: Having a sense of balance is linked to better physical health.
Taking care of your physical health is an important part of finding balance for yourself. And yes, this includes items such as:
Eating healthful meals, limiting sugar and alcohol use, sleeping well, and exercising regularly are all good ideas.
However, there’s more to it than that. Your lifestyle and job habits are doing havoc on your body (it’s a society issue, not a personal one).
The Problem with a Demanding, Busy Career
If you’re like most professionals, you’re tethered to your desk for the majority of the day and bound to your couch at night due to exhaustion and stress (while drinking a glass or two of wine to take the edge off). Am I correct?
That means you’re rarely moving, frequently sitting, and rarely outside. And you’re coping by drinking (which isn’t a big thing on occasion but isn’t a healthy approach to deal with stress).
The basic fact is that humans were not designed to spend so much time sitting. They’re also not designed to be confined up inside. You’re supposed to stand up, walk around, and go outside!
As a result, establishing balance necessitates increased mobility and outdoor activities. Endorphins are hormones that make you feel good about yourself and are produced by physical activity (especially when your heart rate is raised) and spending time outside.
This will improve your sleep, offer you more energy, and help you have a more cheerful view.
4. Reason: Maintaining a healthy work-life balance improves your ability to be present.
The inability to be present is one of the most common problems I hear from new clients (both at home and at work). This is what it looks like:
Your mind feels like it’s always “on,” rushing and overloaded with jumbled thoughts that can be tough to sort through.
When spending time with family and friends, I’m always thinking about work (which then leads you to constantly check email).
When you’re attempting to work, you’re worried about what’s going on in your personal life (such your overflowing laundry, the fight you had with your spouse that morning, or how terrible you feel for missing your child’s piano recital the previous night).
If this strikes a chord with you, pay attention (since this is one of the most significant reasons why work-life balance is so crucial): your brain can be trained to be present. You can also rewire your mind by practising certain mindfulness techniques on a regular basis.
The Importance of Mindfulness in Creating Internal Harmony
Being mindful of your surroundings will assist you in being:
more sensitive to other people’s emotions and feelings; better at intuitively responding to people (this will improve your relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and even clients); more conscious of the good in the world (and not just focused on the bad).
To get you started, here are some simple mindfulness activities. Listen to the Mindfulness For Stress Prevention & A Healthy Mind podcast episode.
5. Reason: Maintaining a healthy balance in your life improves your relationships.
Working too much means spending less time with the people you care about. However, it also means spending less quality time with them. When you’re tired and overwhelmed, it’s difficult to be present and give your complete attention to others.
A balanced lifestyle entails spending more quality time with family and friends. Consider the impact on your connections. Consider how that will effect your outlook as well (both generally and within your career).
There’s a chain reaction that will make you feel better about your life, job, and even work relationships.
Why Is Connection So Important to Your Happiness?
People aren’t connecting and relating to each other nearly enough these days. People are overly preoccupied (and allowing technology to get in the way of real human connection).
Having a balanced lifestyle entails forming strong bonds with others (and not just family, but colleagues and friends too). These relationships will give you a greater sense of purpose. You’ll also have a stronger sense of connection to your work (in a meaningful way).